I’ve suffered with acne ever since I can remember. Not the type of acne where you get one pimple and you complain that you have acne. Like, REAL acne. Cystic acne all over my cheeks, crazy black heads in my T-zone, and nasty whiteheads. It would get so bad at certain points, I would refuse to leave the house. (Before you start judging me for complaining about something appearance related, I want you to know that I fully understand that in the whole wide world of problems this is nothing.) Having a bad breakout can really affect your self-confidence, especially as a teenager where kids are straight up ruthless. I tried everything; blue light, birth control, proactive, peels, etc. You name it, I’ve tried it. Now at 26, I can FINALLY say that I am starting to love my skin. It took a lot of time, patience, and consistency, but it was all worth it. I found what helped me, and I feel like it would be a sin not share it with the world.
1. Find an aesthetician that knows what they are doing, and be consistent. Go back to the same person every time! That way they start to learn your skin, and know what helps and what doesn’t help. I go every month to the most amazing lady at Mario Badescu, Irina. (NYC PEEPS, you’re welcome). She knows my skin better then I do, and always knows how to fix it. I credit her for saving my skin.
2.Find skin care products that work for you. I use all Mario Badescu products. They are super, super affordable, and very effective. Also, they don’t test on animals. (woo woo!)
3.Find a good dermatologist. One who is really going to take the time to figure this out with you. Honestly, I went on yelp and read reviews about every dermatologist in my area. I ended up deciding on Dr. Jaber in NYC, and I’m so happy I did. Instead of telling me what I had to do, he really took the time to explain to me what my options were and let me pick what I was most comfortable with. He ended up prescribing me an oral med; Spironolactone, and two topical treatments; Aczone, and Ziana.
4. Last but not least, have a good routine. Below I listed all the products that I use, and the order in which I use them. CONSISTENCY is KEY!!!!
1.Wash: Acne Facial Cleanser AM & PM
2.Tone: Chamomile Cleansing Lotion or Special Cucumber Lotion AM&PM. Chamomile I use everyday, the SCL is more intense and helps with break outs, but it tends to dry me out too much when I use my prescribed topical treatments. Pay attention to what is happening with you skin. If it becomes too dry, just use the chamomile toner.
3. Acne Treatment: It tends to vary based on what is happening with my skin. Buffering Lotion -This is to be used to help with under the skin pimples. CYSITC ACNE. Aczone– Pea sized amount AM&PM. Ziana – PM 3x a week. I only use a pea sized amount mixed with moisturizer. It helps with blackheads and reducing the size of pores. Be careful with waxing and sun exposure when using Ziana. (When I say pea size, that is what I mean. Using more won’t make your acne clear up faster, it will actually do the exact opposite.)
4. Moisturize: My favorite product ever-Herbal Hydrating Serum AM&PM. Ultra hydrator. I put it under my Oil Free Moisturizer SPF 17. I prefer SPF 17 over the 30 for everyday use. The SPF 30 tends to be a little too greasy for everyday use, but I do have it for summer months when I know I am going to be beach side.
5. Masks: I try to use these masks as much as possible. Drying Mask– used to help dry up pimples and oily skin. I use this all over my face, or if my skin is dry I will just spot treat the broken out or oily areas (t-zone). Temporary Lifting Mask– A special occasion mask. Very firming, and helps to instantly minimize pore size. Don’t leave on too long, when it dries take it off! Healing & Soothing Mask. MY FAV. Soothes redness and irritation, and helps balance out other drying acne products. I use after drying and lifting mask, or if I need a hydrating boost.
6. Extras: Rosewater-A refreshing hydrating mist. I use this all the time, especially in the summer months! Special Healing Powder– I use this to help with my oily t-zone throughout the day instead of a blotting sheet or powder. I also put it on any open, nasty pimples that I might get.