When are you due?
Our BABY GIRL is due early July!!!!!!

When did you know you wanted to start trying?
I would have started the night of the wedding (end of March), BUT I wanted to be able to go on my honeymoon in Bora Bora and fully enjoy it (end of August). Plus, that allowed to me have one last summer to be totally selfish.

How long did it take you, once you started trying?
We were VERY lucky, it only took us 3-4 months. I basically fake tried in July. I was getting anxious to start and thought I was ovulating because my phone app told me I was. So I was like let’s just do it and see what happens. That month I was the most psycho EVER about taking pregnancy tests. So I count that month, just because I had to go through the mind fuck of it all. We tried August, September, and it finally stuck in October.

Did you use any apps?
I used Ovia, and Period Tracker. Start tracking your period asap. It helps you grasp how long your cycle actually is.

Any tips or tricks that you believed helped you conceive?

1. I hadn’t been on birth control for over 6 years. It made me crazy, plus I truly believe that your body should get it’s period when it wants to, not when fake hormones are telling it to.

2. I’ve always been a fan of acupuncture, even before I started trying I was getting it done monthly. The month I ended up getting pregnant, I was getting it done every week in line with where my cycle was.  If you need a recommendation in NYC – message me!

3. Whenever I was at home relaxing I would keep a heating pad on my stomach. I probably did this for a solid year. My Chinese medicine doctor told me my lower body was cold, and it would be hard to conceive so to start this as soon as possible. Who knew if it really helped, but I still do it to this day.

4. I used ovulation kits ( Clearblue and First Response), and kept track of everything on apps (Period Tracker and Ovia)

5. As silly as it sounds, I also just tried to visualize myself pregnant. The power of the mind is something so magical. It’s really hard to not get down about not getting pregnant when it’s all you want. But it’s best to remain positive (as much as you can) and know that the baby you are meant to have will come at the time when it’s suppose to come.

When did you find out you were pregnant?
Before work, at 5 am on October 30th!

How did you tell Jim you were pregnant?
The night before I found out, I knew I was going to wake up and take a pregnancy test. I told myself that if it came back positive I was going to wait until Jim got home from work to surprise him. Well I peed on the stick, 2 lines showed up and there was no way I was going to wait over 12 hours to tell my husband. I literally ran into our bedroom, woke Jim up and started hysterically crying while showing him the stick. It was such an amazing, surreal moment that I will never forget.

What do you do for your workout?
Tracy Anderson 6-7x a week. Her method is genius, and she has programs specially designed for expecting Mamas. I’ve also seen first hand how quickly women bounce back after having their baby when doing her method throughout their pregnancy. I did cut back drastically during my first trimester, I wanted to play it safe (if you speak TA I did custom for my first trimester and no cardio.) But when I was safely in my second trimester I  amped it up and started taking Attain again and adding in 30 mins of cards when I feel like I want that extra boost. (I also have a fan on my at all times, and make sure to modify and take breaks as much as I need to.)

Have you had any morning sickness?
SOOOOO during my first trimester I had NONE! I was so beyond lucky. Early in my second trimester I got sick a hand full of times, nothing too crazy, but it sucks regardless.

Any weird cravings?
Fermented sauerkraut. IDK. I’m WEIRD.

What is your diet like now that you’re pregnant?
Same as before. Mainly plant based. I really try to eat as healthy as possible. No dairy. But if I see something that looks good, I am going to eat it, all in moderation. I always start my day off with a green juice followed by fruit. I ended up getting a juicer so I have more control over cleaning my veggies. I have avocado toast on sourdough bread everyday for brunch. I was doing Sakara for dinner, but it ended up being way too much on my stomach and I had to cancel. I added some fermented foods (SEE ABOVE) into my diet, I read that it helps improve mine and my babies immune system. I also read that your babies taste buds are being developed in the womb.  So trying to keep that in mind with what I’m eating.

What as been the worst part about being pregnant?
The mind fuck of the first trimester. Being that it’s my first pregnancy I just had no idea how scary it is. There are so many things that can go wrong, and I was beyond anxious to get all the crazy tests out of the way. Once everything was cleared, I felt a millions times better and was finally able to fully enjoy the excitement of it all.  The exhaustion is tough to deal with, somedays I just don’t have it in me to  do anything else besides workout and lay on my couch. Also, my boobs. I miss my small nonexistent boobs. They were beautiful and didn’t require a bra. Now my boobs are massive and in the way.

What has been the best part about being pregnant?
The best part is knowing that in a couple of months I am going to have a baby that is part me.  I can’t wait to be able to teach her how to be kind, and love animals, and to stand up for herself. I mean there’s literally a human growing in my belly that is going to be my bestie.  I’m not going to lie, the first couple of weeks I gained 10 pounds and I was having a hard time adjusting to the changes in my body. But now that I’m starting to actually look pregnant, I love it.

Any name ideas?
TOP SECRET. I had a secret girl name that I have loved forever, but I wasn’t sure that I wanted to go with it. The second I found out we were having a girl I knew that there was no way I wasn’t going to name her that.

Birth Plan?
I’ve decided to go with a midwife and HOPEFULLY give birth in a birthing center. I recently hired a doula, her name is Amethyst and I LOVE HER. The plan is to labor at home for as long as possible with my Doula, and then head to the hospital. I am trying to keep an open mind about everything because it doesn’t always go as planned. The goal is to go as natural as possible, but if complications arise my number 1 priority is whatever is safest for me and my baby. I’m reading up on Hypno-birthing. It’s basically a method of giving birth, and I’m into it.

Do you plan on breastfeeding?
That’s the plan. I will do everything in my power to make it work. Again, not everything will go as planned but I am hopefully optimistic that it will work.

Any books you would recommend?
The Vaccine Friendly Plan! – READ IT!!! It is not pro or anti vaxx- but it really helps educate you on what is really in all the vaccines, which ones are absolutely necessary, and which ones you can do with out.

Fashion wise- what has been your go to stores?
Ugh. This part is hard. I seriously miss my crop tops and high waisted jeans. I feel like in the warmer months it will be way easier. But being like 50% preggers in the winter is tough. I’m too big for normal clothes and too small for maternity clothes. Zara has been a life saver. That’s honestly my go to. Once I am bigger I am going to get some key pieces for Hatch. Shopbop has good options as well.

Any last advice?
My biggest piece of advice that I would share with any woman knowing that they want to get pregnant soon, is to start sooner than you think. It can take you 1 month, or it can take you 18 months. You really just don’t know. But waiting because you want a Spring or Summer baby is just silly. Life doesn’t / can’t always go as planned, and I learned that through this process. Also, stay away from google. It can make you crazy!!!

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